How to Apply
The Board uses a rolling application process and meets twice a year to review grant proposals. The next Board meeting will be in Fall 2025; complete grant proposals must be received by August 1, 2025 to be considered at that next Board meeting.
Once your proposal has been submitted, we will contact you to review any further questions and determine the next Board cycle that the proposal will be reviewed in. Incomplete proposals will not be considered until the application is complete, and it is the responsibility of each nonprofit to ensure all required documents are submitted.
Funding requests may be made for:
general operating , program, *capacity building or capital .
*Capacity building grant requests are considered for support to hire a consultant to help strengthen an organization's fiscal structure, fundraising, and strategic planning.
The minimum request is $5,000.
Please do not submit a request for the entire fundraising need of a project, program or funding gap. The Board will consider a request for partial funding of a need, and wants to see demonstrated community support for the remainder of the financial need.
HFF does not fund in consecutive years, so grant requests may be submitted :
1) for one year of funding, with one year off before reapplying.
2) for three years of funding, with two years off before reapplying *but only if your organization has received prior grant funding from the Foundation.
If your organization has received funding, you may reapply once your grant report has been submitted and either one year or two years after the date of the grant (depending on how many years of funding received).
The Foundation has no formal application and we ask you to please submit your grant proposal by email. A grant proposal is not complete, nor will it be reviewed by the Board, until all of the following has been submitted:
1. Case for Support, 3 page maximum
Chronological list of past HFF grant funding.
Name, mailing address, and contact information for the person we should contact about the proposal.
A short history of the organization, including: mission, principal programs, number served annually and a clear statement of community need.
A succinct statement describing the purpose of the request and the amount requested. Please outline the need for the funding, the outcomes to be reached, the expected contributions to the population served, and the criteria for measuring success.
2. An organizational budget for the current year.
3. If applicable, please include the budget of the project for the proposed term of the grant. Please include the total amount to be raised and a list of expected sources of funds. If the request is for a program, indicate how your organization plans to fund the program once Hoehl Family Foundation funding ceases.
4. Please ensure your organization's GuideStar profile is current; if not, please attach a copy of the organization's current 990.
Upon receipt of your application, we will contact you with follow-up questions or to schedule a site visit.
Applications may be emailed to: